TES Maths Newsletter 21

Check out the resources and links in the newsletter below. They all link to the very best TES Maths resources, which are completely free once you register on the website.

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Make the first few lessons of the year focused, challenging and ultimately enjoyable for both you and your students with these 10 hand-picked resources from the TES Maths Panel.

Number and Algebra

Introducing Algebra
Lots of ideas and activities for introducing algebra to your students. Get this right, and they’ll be set up for the next few years!

Quadratic card sort
A challenging card sort with quadratic expressions represented in four different ways. Ideal to help students make connections between equivalent graphical and algebraic representations.

Shape and Space

Circle theorem triominoes
This wonderful set of triominoes brings a collaborative angle to a tricky topic.

Enlargement – what can you do?
A bundle of top-quality resources for tackling what can often be the most difficult of the Transformations. Lots of opportunities for AfL and self-assessment.

Data and Statistics

The ruler drop experiment
A fun and interesting practical experiment to help you introduce and review the key aspects of the data handling cycle.

Averages card games
Consolidate and extend knowledge of the three averages with this well-designed card game.


A* GCSE paper
Dust the summer cobwebs away by reminding students what they should already know from their GCSE with this collection of challenging questions

The laws of indices
Encourage your students to discover the laws of indices and then teach them to their fellow classmates with this well-thought-out activity.

TES Maths podcast

TES Community

GCSE maths reforms will fail weak students, researchers warn
Reforms of the maths GCSE could leave weaker students stranded because of the focus on end-of-course exams, educational experts have warned.

GCSE grade required for AS maths
What should be the minimum requirement for studying maths at AS level? Is B+ at GCSE enough?

Do we have a problem with maths?
Maths teachers debate whether or not we have a problem and, if so, what are the causes?

Is there a shortage of maths teachers?
This career switcher wants to know if there really is a shortage and if he should retrain?

Inside the secret world of teenage maths prodigies
TES goes behind the scenes on the set of comedy-drama X Plus Y.

Outdoor maths games
This trainee teacher needs some ideas for outdoor maths games. Can you help?

Whole-school marking policy
We’ve got a teacher struggling to apply whole-school marking policy to maths homework. Do you have any advice for them?

Using dartboards in the maths classroom
Find out how you can mix maths with darts in this practical lesson idea.

Maths lessons on a shoestring
Stock up on balloons and find out how you can use them in your lessons.

Read the latest maths discussions

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