TES Maths Newsletter 20

Check out the resources and links in the newsletter below. They all link to the very best TES Maths resources, which are completely free once you register on the website.

Star resource

Star resourceRich starting points in A-level maths
If you’re reluctant to start the A2 course with your Year 12 students (in case they forget it all over the summer!), try this collection of introductory activities.

End-of-term lesson ideas

Maths code-breaking pack
Students investigate everything from NASA binary codes and Caesar shifts to the maths behind credit card numbers, culminating in two murder mysteries.

Binary birthdays
Challenge your students to work out their binary birthday then test their skills on each other.

Number and algebra

Algebraic manipulation maze
Can your students successfully navigate their way through this tricky algebra maze then create their own to entrap others?

Calculator story
Flip the calculator upside down and use sums to tell a story to improve pupils’ calculator skills.

Shape and size

Volume problem-solving lesson
A PowerPoint of swimming-themed questions relating to 3D shapes with worksheets to guide pupils through finding answers.

Circumference of circles
Games, puzzles and quizzes relating to Pi for practical discussion activities in the classroom.

Data and statistics

eBay line graphs booklet
Get pupils to practise constructing and interpreting line graphs of different bids in eBay auctions.

Tolerance, accuracy and error
A set of activities investigating algorithms used for error checking credit cards with additional rounding exercises and scientific notation worksheets.

TES Schemes of work

TES Community

Ninja flapjacks and maths
Find out how maths has been used to determine whether triangular flapjacks are a threat to health and safety.

National curriculum news
For the latest on the national curriculum changes stay in touch with our news blog.

The new national curriculum
What teachers really think about Michael Gove’s framework: most find little that’s controversial and feel the changes are of peripheral benefit and significance at best.

Novel ways to develop mathematical process skills
Check out the bizarre questions teachers set their pupils including: ‘how many beans could you fit in this classroom?’

Engaging with written feedback
Typed and personalised marking will increase pupils’ engagement with your feedback, says Stephen Cavadino.

The elephant in the room
Four teachers share their hopes for a free online course by Stanford University professor Jo Boaler.

Addressing falling exam attendance
TES forum members discuss how to combat the problem of no-shows at exams and pupils dropping out before the summer.

A2 Further Maths books
If you’re selecting the course reader for next year check out the opinions shared by experienced teachers on the recommended texts.

Consistency or variety when teaching maths?
Teachers debate whether pupils should experience different teaching styles and approaches or if one teacher should be assigned to a class for five years.

Read the latest maths discussions

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