The Box: GCSE Higher Activity – TES Maths Resource of the Week 90

The following resource has been kindly shared on the TES Maths website. It is available to download for free by registering. And to access all the lovely Resource of the Week (ROTW) resources, just click here

What is it?
One slide, twenty questions, one box, all equals one original, challenging, engaging activity. All questions are based around a box, and they get progressively more difficult as students work their way through it. Thankfully the answers are provided 🙂 The topics covered include volume, units of measurement, percentages, bounds of error, surds, and much, much more!

How can it be used?
This is the kind of activity you could give to an able Year 10/11 class who are up for a challenge. Just drop it in front of them, and let them get on with it. You are then free to wander around the class identifying any problems. One of my colleagues also used it with great effect on her new Year 12 class. Most of the content is directly relevant to Core 1, and it turns out they had forgotten quite a bit over the summer holidays!

Thanks for sharing!

Craig Barton


Download The Box: GCSE Higher Activity

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