TES Maths Newsletter 34

Check out the resources and links in the newsletter below. They all link to the very best TES Maths resources, which are completely free once you register on the website.

Star resources

Star resourceA-level statistics collection
10 hand-picked resources on teaching statistics at post-16 level from the TES Maths Panel.

Number and algebra

Nuts and bolts number
Help students of all ability levels develop crucial number-based skills with this set of resources.

Graphical inequalities
Tackle the topic of graphical inequalities using these well-presented PowerPoint slideshows and worksheets.

Shape and space

Vector game
Introduce students to the basics of vectors and vector addition in an engaging game format.

Perimeter problem solving
A differentiated worksheet of perimeter problems, that moves on to links between perimeter and algebra.

Data and statistics

Cumulative frequency lesson
A full lesson on cumulative frequency diagrams, used in an Ofsted inspection, complete with four engaging tasks.

Introduction to probability 
Explain the basics of statistics and probability scales followed by a simple scenario using Smarties.


Decision 1 PowerPoints
Five detailed presentations and a student workbook that covers topics from Edexcel’s Decision 1 unit on algorithms and linear programming.

Parametric functions– Lock game
Students use their knowledge of parametric equations to crack the code and open the lock on the mystery box.

TES magazine and comment

China’s poorest children outperform UK’s middle class in international maths tests
The children of cleaners in Shanghai and Singapore outperform those of UK doctors and lawyers in global maths tests, research shows.

How to make teacher talk effective
The plot structures of classic novels and Hollywood blockbusters can help you to enthrall students rather than switch them off.

Tough Young Teachers
TES behaviour adviser Tom Bennett reviews the final episode of the BBC education documentary.

Teaching algebra with magic tricks
In this video Craig Barton describes his method of getting students to engage with algebra.

Exam preparation
Teachers share ideas on how to prepare pupils for their maths exams.

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