Percentages: Spot the Mistake – TES Maths Resource of the Week 86

The following resource has been kindly shared on the TES Maths website. It is available to download for free by registering. And to access all the lovely Resource of the Week (ROTW) resources, just click here

What is it?
My students are always moaning when they have to copy down notes. My view has always been that if they are writing them down themselves (especially when I ask them to do so in their own words), then the notes are likely to mean more to them and they will remember them more. Well, here is a delightful alternative to that. It is a set of seemingly helpful notes covering all the major aspects of percentages, but with one important twist – there are mistakes throughout the notes which the students have to spot!

How can it be used?
This activity would work particularly well either at the end of a series of lessons on Percentages, or as part of a general review of past topics perhaps in the build up to GCSE exams. Students could be challenged to correct the notes and exampling the common mistake that has been made. Then you could go one stage further and get students making up their own versions of “spot the mistake” revision notes to try on each other. And, without wishing to state the obvious, make sure all mistakes are corrected before the students leave the room or key misconceptions could be reinforced, which isn’t exactly ideal! 🙂

Thanks for sharing!
Craig Barton

Download Percentages: Spot the Mistake

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