Further Maths Year 1 PowerPoints

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What is it?
Several times in my career I have taught a course for the very first time. I will never forget sitting down with a Decision 1 textbook, looking at a load of wiggly lines and weird sounding algorithms (Chinese Postman, anyone?), and thinking “where the flipping heck do I start?”.

Now, if you are in that position for the new Further Maths A Level – or indeed, if you are an experienced Further Maths teacher – then this is the resource for you. Because Owen has kindly planned out the entire course! Here you will find PowerPoints containing notes and really well annotated worked examples on every chapter of the Edexcel textbook. And even if you are not following Edexcel, the content will be the same, so you might just have to tweak the order and references.

How can it be used?
This collection of resources should provide an ideal basis for your planning of the course. It is important to stress that this is not all the planning! I have made that mistake myself too many times – taking a wonderful resource such as this and using it exactly as presented, only to come unstuck in the classroom when I could not follow the exact logic, or something was different to how I would normally explain it.

Just like any resource, this needs adapting to fit your needs and the needs of your students. For me, that will mean using the worked examples as Example-Problem pairs, utilising the animated annotations as a back-up and instead writing my own in pen after a round of Silent Teacher.

And not only will this wonderful resource save teachers hours, it should also provide comfort that a framework and structure is here. As I know from that first year teaching Decision 1, such reassurance is a Godsend.

Thanks so much for sharing
Craig Barton

Download: Further Maths Year 1 PowerPoints
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One thought on “Further Maths Year 1 PowerPoints

  1. Hello
    Thanks for all your resources.
    Do you have a Powerpoint for Further Maths Stats1 ? (the option course for Pearson/EdExcel Further Maths)


    Maths Teacher at Greyfriars, Oxford

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