Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here: https://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/
In an experimental episode, I asked 50+ of my favourite people one question: “what did you learn this year?”. You will hear from the likes of Dylan William, Andrew Smith, Katharine Birbalsingh, Claire Sealy, Andrew Percival, Dan Meyer, and many others talking all things from feedback, work-life balance, signalling, metacognition, working abroad, and everything in between. A must listen for teachers of all subjects and age groups.
For more information about today’s guest, plus links to the websites, resources and ideas they mention, please visit the show notes page: http://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/slice-of-advice-what-did-you-learn-this-year/

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, with me Craig Barton.
This episode of the podcast is kindly sponsored by White Rose Maths, who have just launched their brand new secondary maths Schemes of Work. You can find out more and download them for free at whiterosemaths.com. And if you have you have a product, service, event or announcement, and you want to reach thousands of engaged, informed, connected, intelligent, delightful and simply brilliant listeners, then drop me an email ([email protected]) or a tweet to discuss sponsorship options.
Now this episode is a bit of an experiment. Usually I interview one or two people from the world of education per episode who interest and inspire me. But this time I am going for over 50. You see, this episode is called a Slice of Advice – many thanks to my wife for the title (I have to give her credit in case she sues me) – where I ask one question to lots of different people, and compile all their answers together in one delightfully wisdom-packed offering.
Given that I am recording this podcast at the end of another busy academic year over in sunny England, I thought a nice question would be “what you have learned this year?”. I gave each person between 1 and 5 minutes, and told them to interpret the question however they liked. And they did not disappoint. You will hear a wide range of views and reflections, from past and future guests, from teachers, heads of department, headteachers and academics. There are familiar voices and those not so familiar. There are mathematicians and non-mathematicians, primary and secondary colleagues, and a few surprises in there too.
Here is the full cast list in order of appearance:
***Note: I have every intention of time-stamping each of the contributions in the show-notes so this epic episode is easier to navigate, just in case – like me! – you wish to revisit certain sections. A summer job!
1 | Amir Arezoo | @WorkEdgeChaos |
2 | Andrew Jeffrey | @AJMagicMessage |
3 | Andrew Percival | @primarypercival |
4 | Andrew Smith | @oldandrewuk |
5 | Andrew Taylor | @AQAMaths |
6 | Andy Lutwyche | @andylutwyche |
7 | Becky Allen | @profbeckyallen |
8 | Ben Gordon | @mathsmrgordon |
9 | Ben Rooney | @benjrooney |
10 | Ben Sparks | @SparksMaths |
11 | Chris McGrane | @ChrisMcGrane84 |
12 | Christian Bokhove | @cbokhove |
13 | Clare Sealy | @ClareSealy |
14 | Colin Foster | @colinfoster77 |
15 | Damian Benney | @Benneypenyrheol |
16 | Dan Meyer | @ddmeyer |
17 | Dan Pearcy | @DanielPearcy |
18 | Dan Rodriguez-Clark | @InteractMaths |
19 | Dani Quinn | @danicquinn |
20 | Danielle Moosajee | @PixiMaths |
21 | Danny Brown | @danieltybrown |
22 | David Weston | @informed_edu |
23 | Dylan Wiliam | @dylanwiliam |
24 | Emma McCrea | @mccreaemma |
25 | Harry Fletcher-Wood | @HFletcherWood |
26 | Jamie Frost | @DrFrostMaths |
27 | Jemma Sherwood | @jemmaths |
28 | Jess Prior | @FortyNineCubed |
29 | Jo Morgan | @mathsjem |
30 | Jon Brunskill | @jon_brunskill |
31 | Jon Sellick | @rightokayso |
32 | Jonathan Hall | @StudyMaths |
33 | Katharine Bribalsingh | @Miss_Snuffy |
34 | Kris Boulton | @Kris_Boulton |
35 | Luke Pearce | @lukepearce85 |
36 | Mark Greenaway | @suffolkmaths |
37 | Mark McCourt | @EmathsUK |
38 | Mark Quinn | @marquinnnotts |
39 | Mary Myatt | @MaryMyatt |
40 | Mel Muldowney | @Just_Maths |
41 | Naveen Rizvi | @naveenfrizvi |
42 | Ollie Lovell | @ollie_lovell |
43 | Paul Collins | @mrcollinsmaths |
44 | Paul Rowlandson | @Mr_Rowlandson |
45 | Peter Mattock | @MrMattock |
46 | Richard Tock | @TickTockMaths |
47 | Robin Macpherson | @robin_macp |
48 | Simon Cox | @MathsMrCox |
49 | Tom Button | @mathstechnology |
50 | Tom Francome | @TFrancome |
51 | Tom Sherrington | @teacherhead |
52 | Adam Boxer | @adamboxer1 |
53 | Alex Quigley | @HuntingEnglish |
54 | Will Emeny | @Maths_Master |
55 | Mo Ladak | @MathedUp |
Accompanying blog posts:
John Brunskill here
Tom Button here
Ollie Lovell here
The questions from White Rose Maths that I mentioned in the introduction are here:
Now, as I say, this episode represents something of an experiment. I would be fascinated to know if you like it, and if you would like to hear more Slice of Advice episodes with lots of different guests sharing their responses to specific questions next year.
My usual plugs:
- You can help support the podcast (and get an interactive transcript of all new episodes) via my Patreon page at patreon.com/mrbartonmaths
- If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of the show, then please visit this page
- You can sign up for my free Tips for Teachers newsletter and my free Eedi newsletter
- My online courses are here: craigbarton.podia.com
- My books are “Tips for Teachers“, “Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain” and “How I wish I’d taught maths”
Thanks so much for listening, and I really hope you enjoy the show!
Craig Barton