Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here: https://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/
Join me and Jo Morgan for 2 days at the ATM MA joint maths conference, for discussions about the evolution of maths vocabulary, problem solving, lesson observations, listening to learners, visual representations and much much more!
For more information about today’s guest, plus links to the websites, resources and ideas they mention, please visit the show notes page: http://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/conference-takeaways-atmma-2019-conference-day-1/

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, with me Craig Barton.
This is another Conference Takeaways podcast, this time from Day 1 of the ATM/MA 2019 Conference in Warwick. I am reunited my regular Conference Takeaways co-host Jo Morgan (@mathsjem on Twitter and the creator of the online bible of maths resources, resourceaholic.com) to share our key thoughts and takeaways from the selection of workshops we were lucky to see.
We discuss the following things, and much more besides:
- Lesson observations
- Teaching the same lesson twice
- Listening to learners
- Ofsted consultation
- Maths vocabulary that is no longer used
- And much, much more!
I really hope you find this discussion useful, whether you attended the conference or not. Thanks so much for Jo for taking the time to talk to me.
The link to Jo’s blog post on the Shell Centre resources is here
My usual plugs:
- You can help support the podcast (and get an interactive transcript of all new episodes) via my Patreon page at patreon.com/mrbartonmaths
- If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of the show, then please visit this page
- You can sign up for my free Tips for Teachers newsletter and my free Eedi newsletter
- My online courses are here: craigbarton.podia.com
- My books are “Tips for Teachers“, “Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain” and “How I wish I’d taught maths”
My god, these podcasts are so helpful. I just began to listen to them this Monday. Amazing ideas, rich teaching resources, culture backgrounds, current issues…. . I just want to say thank you, a big thank you for so meaningful work. Well done. I have found so amazing teaching resources here. I love them. Thanks, you will make my teaching career shine in the future (I am an NQT this year).Thanks again.