Ultimate Excel Markbook – TES Maths ROTW

The following resource has been kindly shared on the TES Maths website. It is available to download for free by registering. And to access all the lovely Resource of the Week (ROTW) resources, just click here

What is it?
Something a bit different for Resource of the Week 102… a mark book. But this is no, this is no ordinary mark book. Oh no, this is The Ultimate Excel Mark Book, and it certainly lives up to its name. At our school we regularly record our homework scores centrally on a spreadsheet in our secure shared area of the school network. I will be honest with you – it ends up being just a load of numbers that do not really mean anything. With this mark book, you get a clear insights and crucially a picture of progress. There is the facility to instantly print off individual pupil record sheets to get a view of their progress over time and areas of weakness. And it takes no longer to record your results than any equivalent mark book. 

How can it be used?
This mark book can be used in a variety of ways. If used by an individual teacher it will be invaluable for tracking progress, getting an instant overview of class performance, and as a handy aid for things like parents evening and writing reports. You can easily sort data, add students, and print out reports. But if all teachers in a department choose to use it, well then you have real power as results can be compared and contrasted, and key insights gained. Once again, this is a fantastic use of Excel, and a truly wonderful, free resource.

Thanks for sharing!
Craig Barton

Download Ultimate Excel Mark Book

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