TES Maths ROTW 34 – Histogram Cut-up Activity

I was looking for something to help my Year 11s consolidate (and extend) their knowledge of histograms, that avoided having to go back through numerous examples and exam questions. And then I remembered this classic resource from Jonny Griffiths!

This rich, challenging, engaging activity not only requires a sound knowledge of histograms, but also draws upon students’ understanding of cumulative frequency, mid-points and calculating mean from grouped data. Students must use all these skills, plus a good dose of logical thinking, to puzzle out the solution. And when they have finished, there’s also an opportunity to look at median and skewness as well. This was one of my most enjoyable lessons this year.

I have also linked to a simpler version, and more lovely resources courtesy of Jonny.

Thank you for sharing!

Craig Barton

Download Histogram Activity

Download Histogram Cut-Up (simpler version)

View the author’s other resources

See Making Statistics Vital Collection

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