TES Maths ROTW 16 – Music Industry Trends

Finding engaging, relevant statistical resources is often quite tricky. Pie charts of the colours of cars passing by the school are hardly going to grab the attention of today’s students. And yet it is so important that students feel comfortable and have a deep understanding of statistics. Well, step forward one of my favourite TES uploaders with another quality resource that offers a solution.

Music Industry Trends presents a series of pie charts illustrating how the music industry has made its money from 1980. These make for fascinating viewing. It is an area that students can understand and relate to, and hence when challenged to describe the trends that they are seeing, they are more likely to engage with it. Carrying out such a task will enable them to develop the kind of analytical and communication skills that so crucial in mathematics and often so difficult to teach. And I absolutely love the end of the activity, where students are asked to predict what the industry will look like in the future. Lots of potential for rich, stimulating discussion here.

Thank you for sharing!

Craig Barton

Download Music Industry Trends

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