TES Maths Newsletter 27

Check out the resources and links in the newsletter below. They all link to the very best TES Maths resources, which are completely free once you register on the website.

Star resource

Star resourceTopic special: angles
Ten of the best angles resources in the world, compiled by the TES maths panel.

Number and algebra

Odd-one-out equations
Students have to spot the odd one out within each group of equations. Simple and effective starter or plenary.

Egyptian fractions
The classic task of working with Egyptian fractions gets a makeover by setting it in the context of the end of the world.

Shape and space

Pi Dingbats
If you love Dingbats and you love Pi, you’ll definitely love this resource. It’s ideal to use during a series of lessons on circles.

SOHCAHTOA starter problems
If you’re looking for well-designed starter or plenary problems for trigonometry, complete with solutions, you’ve come to the right place!

Data and statistics

Hanging out the dirty data
This resource will help students find and deal with accidental errors in their data.

Cumulative frequency and box plots
Use this interactive activity to help your students understand the relationship between cumulative frequency diagrams and box and whisker plots.

Is our height normal?
Do heights fit a normal distribution? How big a sample size should we take? A great investigation to introduce and apply normal distribution in a practical way.

Advice from the TES Maths forum

5 plus the square root of 4
According to University Challenge there are two possible answers to this question – do you know what they are?

The worst mathematical magic trick of all time
Give this one a go in your classroom.

A-level students who…
This teacher is worried about the level of knowledge some A-level students demonstrate when they start the course.

Help with spending pupil premium to boost maths
This teacher is after recommendations of programmes to help pupils who are underperfoming in maths?

Misconception about the use of graphical calculators
How many teachers take the time to master these gizmos?

Read the latest maths discussions

One thought on “TES Maths Newsletter 27

  1. Hi,

    Is my first year teaching maths and your resources are really useful. Is amazing what you are doing (I am really interested in your diagnostic questions!) and what you have done.

    Just to let you know, links in this newsletter (27) doesn’t seem to be working.

    Thanks for sharing your hard work, and above all your passion, you inspire me a lot!

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