Fractions: All in one – TES (Premium) Resource of the Week 88

Every fourth Resource of the Week this year will highlight a top-quality Premium resource for sale on TES that has been created by a teacher.

What is it?
For my first review of a Premium resource, I wanted something special – not least because I have spent £5 of my own money on it! But I hope you will be as impressed as I was when you see this wonderful resource. It covers almost every possible aspect of Fractions, from working out basic fractions of shapes, right up to converting between recurring decimals and fractions. Each skill comes complete with learning objectives, mini-whiteboard activities and an infinite number of questions and answers, making this your one stop-shop for assessing all the key fraction skills.

How can it be used?
This resource of perfect for quick-fire assessment. I could be used at the end of a lesson where a specific skill has been covered, or as part of a whole topic review of fractions. Because of the instantaneous nature of the questions and the answers, it is also perfect for quick fire revision across the year to ensure that these all-important fractions skills stay fresh in the students’ minds. Moreover, the fact that all aspects of fractions are covered means that this resource is suitable for all ages and abilities. Absolutely brilliant stuff and worth every penny.

Thanks for sharing!
Craig Barton

A word from the author, Darren Carter
When I first started using Excel I was using it a really basic way; using random number generators to create more questions. To begin with this was just for creating simple worksheets, however, I quickly realised that with some tweaking and careful formatting there was no reason that Excel could not form the main part of my lesson. I started working on creating a more pupil friendly look to my spreadsheets and since then they have developed to contain lesson objectives, differentiated questions, and whiteboard activities.

My pupils are now used to seeing these and enjoy the instant feedback that the ‘Show Answer’ button provides. I am always encouraging them to be reflective; have they mastered the skill at that level? If so move to the next column. For the most enthusiastic this obviously became an instant competition; who can correctly complete the final column first? Those that need the practice at the bottom end are given the time to do so and with a click of a button there is a new set of questions for these pupils to try.

I hope that this resource is helpful; there will be plenty more on their way.

Download Fractions all-in-one
View the author’s other resources

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