Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here: https://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/
Adam Boxer is a science teacher, author and creator of Carousel Learning. He joins me to discuss the key ideas from his book: Teaching Secondary Science: a complete guide, including What makes a good explanation? What role does silence play in Adam’s lessons, and how has this changed over the years? Is it important maths and science departments work together? If so, how? What role does technology have to play in terms of retrieval? Observation feedback, engaging with research, and so much more.
For more information about today’s guest, plus links to the websites, resources and ideas they mention, please visit the show notes page: http://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/adam-boxer-explanations-retrieval-and-maths-science-working-together/

This episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast is kindly supported by the LUMEN Maths Network
You can find more information about joining the LUMEN network and accessing the wonderful free CPD courses here: lboro.ac.uk/services/lumen
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, with me Craig Barton.
This time around I spoke to Adam Boxer.
Adam is the Head of Science at The Totteridge Academy, Co-founder of Carousel Learning and author of Teaching Secondary Science: a complete guide. He is a strong advocate of cognitive science and explicit instruction, and cameoed on the podcast during my teaching from home series during the first lockdown. I have been a big fan of Adam’s writing – both in the form of blogs and tweets – for many years, and the release of his first book marked the perfect time to get him back on the show for a proper chat.
We discussed the following, and plenty more besides:
- What makes a good explanation?
- What role does silence play in Adam’s lessons, and how has this changed over the years?
- Is it important maths and science departments work together? If so, how?
- What role does technology have to play in terms of retrieval?
- Observation feedback, engaging with research, and so much more.
Whatever your style of teaching, experience or subject, I think you will get a lot out of this conversation.
On Twitter Adam is: @adamboxer1
Adam’s blog is: achemicalorthodoxy.wordpress.com
Adam’s book is: Teaching Secondary Science: a complete guide
Find out more about Carousel Learning here: carousel-learning.com
Adam Boxer’s Big 3
1. CogSciSci: cogscisci.wordpress.com
2. Joe Kirby: pragmaticreform.wordpress.com
3. Doug Lemov: teachlikeachampion.com
My usual plugs:
- You can help support the podcast (and get an interactive transcript of all new episodes) via my Patreon page at patreon.com/mrbartonmaths
- If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of the show, then please visit this page
- You can sign up for my free Tips for Teachers newsletter and my free Eedi newsletter
- My online courses are here: craigbarton.podia.com
- My books are “Tips for Teachers“, “Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain” and “How I wish I’d taught maths”